Girl peacefully looking at the sunset

We live in such a busy world and it seems like it just gets busier. There are so many constant distractions. It seems as if we get bombarded constantly from so many different directions. Do you want to learn how to find peace, calm and feel centered instantly, in 5 easy steps? If you don’t get a hold of this, it can spiral out of control making it more difficult to get back up again, going into a depression.READ MORE

Woman hands made made into a heart, bright sunlight and water. loved and supported symbol

Do you know that you have love and support more than you know all around you?  Do you know who you are and what’s available to you?  You’re a child of a king, You just don’t remember. You have to go inward and find your light. You’re meant to shine. Everything that you need is already inside of you. Whatever you want, need or desire in your life can be found by going inward. This isn’t selfish but necessaryREAD MORE

Strong girl walk down the street confidently

Do you have some life goals that you want to achieve? Are you procrastinating?  Making excuses rather than decisions? Do you want to take creative action? You have two choices, accept your life the way it is or change it. Create little goals, habits, and routines every day that eventually add up to big results. Creating these habits puts you in a position for success. It doesn’t matter how big are small they are, or what they are, your goals areREAD MORE

Young woman looking stressed and overwhelmed

DON’T FORGET TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF BY PRACTICING SELF CARE. You have to take care of yourself first before you can take care of anyone else. It’s hard sometimes because you have so many demands on you, in so many different areas. There are so many daily distractions and life choices to make. TAKE CARE TO BALANCE THESE FOUR AREAS TO HELP YOU GET AND  KEEP YOUR LIFE BALANCED.   SPIRITUAL HEALTH PRAYER   Connecting to your spiritREAD MORE

Mother lovingly hugging and kissing her child

FAMILY  IS LIKE BRANCHES ON A TREE, WE ALL GROW IN DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS, BUT OUR ROOTS REMAIN AS ONE. Create memories and a heartfelt bond with traditions that your family will look forward to even when they are grown. Memories that last a lifetime. Start when they’re young. Make the effort and carve out time to connect with each child individually. As they get older and are adults with their own schedules and lives, make time for the together times,READ MORE