Beautiful confident woman reading a book. sitting next to a table with a plant and coffee


Your mindset plays a huge part in how you view yourself and the world. With thousands of thoughts floating around in your head every day, you essentially talk to yourself more than anybody else.

The mind houses our emotions, judgement, worries and, secrets, and many of us don’t even realize that our own thoughts can be holding us back from reaching our full potential. Because the mind is such a powerful place, it’s important to constantly grow and adapt your ways of thinking. You have to continuously work on shifting your mindset to embrace new perspectives if you want to become a more accepting person and better version of yourself.

In this post, I’m sharing some ways that I’ve adapted and shifted my mindset over the years to improve my life in a positive way. This is something that we have to always work on. I can usually pick myself up from a bad situation and turn it around with the help of these mindset shifts.

1. Trusting that better things are coming.

I’m lucky that I’m naturally quite an optimistic and positive person. No matter what happens to me, I’ve always been able to try to keep moving forward. Part of this is my belief that better things will always come to me if I work hard and don’t give up. I always have hope and faith.

Whenever there are things going on in my life that frustrate me I find ways to keep myself sane. Walking in nature and listening to music or motivational speakers. I started a blog, wrote a book and I’m always trying to make an effort to try harder at whatever I’m working on. It’s important to live with passion and work on things that you truly love.

Things don’t last forever in any situation and even though there is often uncertainty, as to where life might take you. It’s important to try to find ways to make yourself happy in the meantime. In the end, things fall into place. Better things always come along if you’re open to the possibilities.

2. Enjoying the process while working towards goals

Mindfulness is all about living in the present moment, but how do you focus on the present while you’re busy working towards your goals for the future? It’s an interesting paradox that I struggled with for a while. Over time, I realized that you can set goals for the future, but you have to be present and focused while you’re working to accomplish them.

I used to sometimes rush through projects just to get them over with, but I realized that’s not a good way to live my life. Instead, I told myself to enjoy the process a little bit more.

When you’re always rushing through things in order to move on to the next project, you miss opportunities to be creative and produce your best work.

These days. I try to be more present when I’m working on something. Reflection is important, so I do daily, weekly and monthly check-ins with myself to stop myself from charging ahead into the future.

3. Focusing on my strengths over weaknesses

We all have our weaknesses and things that make us question our worthiness as humans. I can be a little distant sometimes, maybe because I’m a creative, and I’m usually dreaming and creating in my head.

I’ve learned to love all the parts of me, even the ones that are different and I don’t wish to change them at all. I’ve found that It’s much more productive and beneficial to truly focus on leveling up my strengths than trying to overhaul all of my weaknesses. Though I may be distant sometimes, I’m loyal to those I love. I procrastinate sometimes, but I do work really hard on the things that I’m passionate about.

Of course, you should try to be a better person in every way that you can, but there are parts of you that you simply don’t have to worry so much about changing. Once I realized that I could focus my energy on taking my strengths to the next level instead of worrying about my weaknesses, my relationship with myself became a lot better.

4. Spending less time worrying about the past

I’ve come to genuinely accept that the past is the past and there’s nothing I can do about it. I can speculate about how things might be different in my life if I’d chosen to do things another way, but there is literally nothing productive about wishing I could change the past and the past makes me who I am today.

Sometimes I remind myself that even if I could go back in time and change things, there’s no saying that it would alter my life or make me a happier person. All I can do is move forward and use past mistakes to drive me closer to a better future and realize that they are all lessons.

5. Optimizing what’s in my control

I’ll admit that I spend more time thinking about the future than I do the past. I sometimes get anxious not knowing what my life will look like in a few years, but then I stop and try to be in the present moment and enjoy what’s in front of me.

No matter how much I think about it, I cannot control exactly what my future will look like. I can take certain actions that will shape the course of my future, but there’s no telling what the future will hold.

Since there are actions I can take right now, I try to focus my energy, thoughts, and time on doing those actions instead of worrying about the future.

I’ve learned that it’s 100 times more productive to take action in the current moment than spend time overthinking what hasn’t even happened yet.

What mindset shifts have changed your life?

After reading this post, I hope you feel empowered to change any negative thought patterns you may have fallen into. We’re all human and it’s not possible to be positive or optimistic all the time, but you always have the power to make huge changes in your life by simply reframing your thoughts.

Love and Light,


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1 Comment

  1. Love this post! Especially the part about opimizing what’s in my control!

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