Do you want to find meaning in your life? Are you always searching and wondering why on earth you’re here? Feeling empty? lost? Everyone does sometimes, so you’re not alone.
Wanting to grow and expand is half the battle and there are plenty of things you can do to change your life into a more meaningful experience. I’ve done this in my own life and helped hundreds do the same.
The very fact that you want to get help and you’re willing to want to do the work means you’re on the right track, you’re already halfway there, doesn’t that feel good? When I say that you have to put the work in, it’s true, change doesn’t happen overnight, not real lasting change, the kind I’m talking about. Remember everyone’s life has meaning, sometimes we just lose sight of it, or we have to create new meaning in our lives.
Life is an individual journey for each of us. We are a spirit that comes into a human form. We’re meant to learn and grow and expand, to help and teach others. Each of our experiences is drastically different, that’s why it’s so important not to compare ourselves with others. Your job here on Earth is unique to you and It’s your job to discover your own gifts and talents, skills and path. That’s why the comparison with others shouldn’t be done, it will just leave you feeling bad about yourself because you don’t know where that person is on their individual journey. You can’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle or end.
If you can remove yourself and try to rise up above this life experience like you’re actually witnessing it from above you will understand and see that you come from God/spirit into a human form, you learn and grow, expand and then you leave when your journey is done. Your body doesn’t go because it’s not eternal, your spirit is eternal. Your body stays and disintegrates, your spirit goes back to the collective consciousness spirit that it came from.
Looking at life from this perspective can make you feel very small in comparison to the vast greatness around us. But it can also make you feel very big and important and great, because once you dive in and experience and grow and learn about yourself, you’ll see how big and powerful and important you really are and how much is available to you to live a grand life.
One thing you have to remember when trying to find meaning in your life is to remember that life is a journey and this is a process. You have to have patience, faith, and be able to find your peace. Don’t worry if you don’t have any of these things now, you will in time. For now, you just have to WANT to have them.
Some of the things that you can do to find meaning in your life are:
Feel Appreciation for what you do have right now. Think about, write them down and really feel appreciation towards these things.
Think about past successes. I’m sure there is something that you did in your life that was an accomplishment, even if it was small. How did it make you feel?
Dream about something that you would like to see happen in your life. Really feel your self in this situation of success.
Have faith that you are strong, capable and intelligent and you will find a way. Ask for these things and receive them.
Pray and ask for guidance. Tell your higher Power how you are feeling and what you need help with. Ask to have a more meaningful life. Be open to guidance and suggestions.
Put your self first in your life, really make yourself your first priority so that you can live your best life possible. Do whatever works for you, some of the things that I try to do daily for myself are:
Meditation/Prayer/Connecting to source and my inner self.
/being out in nature
Journal writing
spending time with my dogs
getting a facial/ massage
going out to lunch
helping someone in need
Ask. Wait. Listen. Take guided action.
The important thing is to find whatever works for you. You have to remember that you are important and there is meaning in your life. Sometimes you just lose track of the why’s and how’s. But don’t lose hope you’ll find meaning in your life again. Be patient and trust the process, have faith and you will rise.
Love and Light,
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