When I take the time to connect to my spirit and nourish my soul. It becomes the most important thing that I could possibly do every day because I become energized. When I do this I walk away with everything that I need.
Do you ever feel like you get depleted? Are you confused about your life? Are you feeling anxiety or depression? These could be signs that you’re not getting the spiritual nourishment that you need. You have to make time for YOU.
Meditation and prayer are ways to clear the mind of noise and useless chatter from the world and your own surface thoughts. Breathing deeply, intentionally and focusing on the present moment will allow you to connect and go deeper in thought. This will allow you to become calm and still so you can hear messages from your true self.
Connecting and tuning in allows you to experience peace, calm, love, support, strength, courage, ideas and supported dreams. If you’re disconnected for too long things can start to feel stressful. You become unsure of yourself, have fear, confusion, and doubt. So it’s simple really if you try to connect often you will be spiritually nourished. You’ll get what You need to live the life that you want to live.
This is a skill that anyone can learn to do. When practiced consistently, you will improve over time, and it will become easier to connect and tune in.
I try to make it a daily practice. Every day is a new day. Before getting out of bed set an intention for the day, first by being thankful. Look for a few things to be thankful for and declare that this is your day, and it has been given to you by God. Gratefulness and appreciation put you in a positive mindset and it changes your energy in a positive way.
Another way is journal writing every morning or when you have time, free write whatever comes out. This is a way to sort out your thoughts. You can ask questions by writing it down and receiving answers and direction regarding your life. Go out in nature, it’s very grounding. There’s something about going outdoors that feeds your soul. Being around trees, fresh air, the sun. The earth under your feet, the birds singing, are all here for our benefit.
I hope that you take the time to connect to your spirit and nourish your soul, be recharged and receive all that you need to live the life that you want to live.
Love and Light,
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