When you’re faced with embracing a new normal That is totally different than what you’re used to. It can feel really awkward at first like you don’t know what to do with yourself. Remember it’s going to be ok, you’re going to be alright, this too shall pass. In the grand scheme of life, this is just a moment in time, if you look at your entire life as a big picture. I understand that it’s hard sometimes toREAD MORE

Woman standing strong

Stand your ground. Sometimes you have to take a stance and dig your heels in a not move. We grow and change and evolve in this world and we are not the same person that we were when we were children, and that’s ok. It’s sometimes a challenge when you have to go back and deal with people from your past who want to treat you like they use to but you’re not the same person anymore. You grew,READ MORE

Girl sitting with her head on her knees with early morning sadness

Do you want to know how to eliminate early morning sadness? This is a real thing for some folks and if you don’t nip it in the bud you can find yourself going down a slippery slope. Sure early morning sadness is natural sometimes, but if you find that it’s happening way to often, know that you can control it. There are things that you can do to ease the discomfort and you can be happy in no time.READ MORE

Mother lovingly hugging and kissing her child

FAMILY  IS LIKE BRANCHES ON A TREE, WE ALL GROW IN DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS, BUT OUR ROOTS REMAIN AS ONE. Create memories and a heartfelt bond with traditions that your family will look forward to even when they are grown. Memories that last a lifetime. Start when they’re young. Make the effort and carve out time to connect with each child individually. As they get older and are adults with their own schedules and lives, make time for the together times,READ MORE