glass of water being filled up

Don’t rely on other peoples energy, rely on your own.  Build your energy up so much by filling your tanks, that you can’t even see,  hear or feel all the stuff that’s going on around you from other people. Of course, some things you can’t ignore, like if someone is being harmed,  but I’m talking about day to day life drama, that sensitive people can get caught up in.  Likewise, if you rely on other people’s good energies to feel good, whenREAD MORE

Woman with arms raised up standing on the beach allowing herself to be open and blessed

Do you wonder why you are not receiving all of your hearts desires?  It’s one thing to believe in a higher power and connect, that’s the first place to start. You have to also allow, receive, accept the blessing by letting it flow to you, and not push it away. Feel it in your heart and every fiber of your being and be thankful before it even shows up.   Sometimes you don’t let yourself get blessed, you pinch yourself off. You ask andREAD MORE

young woman thinking while laying in the leaves

How I changed my life…By changing my thoughts. Are the thoughts that you are thinking about contributing to or sabotaging your life? We don’t realize that we have the power to create our own lives by the thoughts that we are thinking. We don’t even realize what we are thinking until we consciously take notice of it. I know that’s how it was for me in my life. It wasn’t until I read books and listened to people that wereREAD MORE