Rays of sunlight bursting through the clouds as if you're nourishing your soul by connecting to spirit

When I take the time to connect to my spirit and nourish my soul. It becomes the most important thing that I could possibly do every day because I become energized. When I do this I walk away with everything that I need.   Do you ever feel like you get depleted?  Are you confused about your life? Are you feeling anxiety or depression?  These could be signs that you’re not getting the spiritual nourishment that you need. YouREAD MORE

young woman thinking while laying in the leaves

How I changed my life…By changing my thoughts. Are the thoughts that you are thinking about contributing to or sabotaging your life? We don’t realize that we have the power to create our own lives by the thoughts that we are thinking. We don’t even realize what we are thinking until we consciously take notice of it. I know that’s how it was for me in my life. It wasn’t until I read books and listened to people that wereREAD MORE