Trying to boost her mood. woman sitting peacefully in sunset

BOOST YOUR MOOD WITH THESE 10 DAILY HABITS If you are anything like me, then you are in need of some mood boosters and pick me ups from time to time. It would be wonderful to be happy and upbeat all the time, but that’s not realistic. That’s why today I want to share with you ways to boost your mood with these 10 daily habits. 1. EAT A HEALTHY BREAKFAST EVERY MORNING TO BOOST YOUR MOOD. Breakfast givesREAD MORE

When you’re faced with embracing a new normal That is totally different than what you’re used to. It can feel really awkward at first like you don’t know what to do with yourself. Remember it’s going to be ok, you’re going to be alright, this too shall pass. In the grand scheme of life, this is just a moment in time, if you look at your entire life as a big picture. I understand that it’s hard sometimes toREAD MORE

Woman making a wish blowing stars

Believe in yourself. You are the one who will be on this journey with you throughout your entire life. You have to find out who you are and what you really need. We’re all conditioned as children. We believe what our parents tell us, what they say. What our teachers, grandparents, older siblings say about us. But as you grow older you will sort out and sift through all of that information and see what works for you and whatREAD MORE

Book cover. Sky and sunlight

Do you ever feel like there’s more to life than what you’re currently living? Do you ever wonder what your true purpose is? What you’re really here on this earth for? Are you lacking peace or direction., Struggling or needing change in any area of your life? Then this book is for you. I felt all of these things and asked all of these questions and I got the answers that I was looking for. That’s what started meREAD MORE

Beautiful field of flowers and sunshine

The power to create is within you Your power has been there all along and it’s your job to connect with this powerful source within. I’ve been coming to the realization that we’re constantly creating. We’re creating all the time, because we are always thinking, sifting and sorting, coming to realizations of what we want and don’t want in our life. I’ve read this many times before but now I’m actually really understanding it and becoming a super attractorREAD MORE