Beautiful field of flowers and sunshine

The power to create is within you

Your power has been there all along and it’s your job to connect with this powerful source within. I’ve been coming to the realization that we’re constantly creating. We’re creating all the time, because we are always thinking, sifting and sorting, coming to realizations of what we want and don’t want in our life. I’ve read this many times before but now I’m actually really understanding it and becoming a super attractor and you can to, because I can teach you.

Our energy and our thoughts are creating feelings that are creating our very experience

I can see evidence of this all the time. I’ve studied this and practiced it for years and I guess I had a lot of blocks up because now it’s much clearer and much easier for me to manifest now. You have to be in the state of allowing.

What you attract is not just for you but for your family and the world around you.

I’m attracting and manifesting the wealth and abundance that I’m calling forth. I understood that my writing and teaching were for others, that it was to come through me and I would get blessed by it too, but it wasn’t entirely for me. We are vessels, conduits, receivers channels for the grace, the beauty, the spirit, the anointing of God.

It is our divine right to be wealthy, rich and abundant in every area.

There is something more here that I’m learning and discovering, and it’s a beautiful thing. I really believe that it is our divine right to be rich and wealthy in every area of our lives including financials. It’s not just me summoning it because I want it, which there is nothing wrong with that at all. But I’m meant to be wealthy and rich by divine right. I am way more useful to God if I’m rich and wealthy, abundant and prosperous than not. So it is God’s will and this goes for you too.

Gratitude ushers it in

I’m so grateful, this is a beautiful realization, one that I don’t take lightly, one that I am pleasantly amazed with and I don’t know why I am surprised at all because God is so great. The universe and all its laws are forever astonishing. me, gifting me and blessing me greatly. I am overjoyed with this I am blessed greatly beyond measure. All of my desires are coming true, everything that I ever saw in my dreams, plus so much more that I am dreaming up now there is no shortage. I get so excited and I want to share it with others.

Creating starts with the feeling

You can do this too. This is for you as well. Creating is so much more than action, although action, is required to. Creating doesn’t start with action, it starts with the feeling. You have to really feel what you want. Feel it before it has any evidence of being here at all. Feel the energy of it and create the space needed for it in your life.

Find out what you want

If you don’t know what it is that you want then that’s the first clue that you need to deep dive within to find the answers that you seek. Deep dive to find out what it is that you want because no one knows except for you. The way that you find out what it is that you want, truly want in your heart and soul is by deep diving, connecting within.

You have everything that you need right now within you to create the life that you want.

Ask the questions

You need to ask yourself some hard questions, some deep questions. What is it that you really want to have in your life. Take some time to answer these questions. Really think, and write your answers down.

What do you see? pick a dream.
Begin with the end in mind. See yourself living this reality.
Break down the goal into manageable steps.
What can you do every day to get you closer to your goal. Give your self a timeline.


I wanted to create a writers platform because I wanted to be an established Writer/Author. So I started a blog where my blog posts are samples of my writing. They are what I write about all the time and is what my first book is about. I took the book that I was writing and broke the chapters down basically into blog posts to get started, then from there the posts grew.

I started my blog with a couple of posts and then kept adding to it and built it up over a year and a half.

I promoted it to get people to my blog using search engines like pinterest. social media platforms like facebook, instagram, various facebook groups.
I researched and learned, took classes, and courses. I learned from others in blogging, writing, business groups. People in the personal development space.
I networked and connected with like-minded individuals.
I have followers and readers to my blog and social media profiles.
My first book is being published at the time of this writing.

The point is I started with an end result in my mind and kept climbing little by little. I saw what others ahead of me were doing and I kept going, learning and growing. I didn’t stop.
Sometimes I felt like it but I didn’t.
Is my blog where I want it right now, not yet. Is my first book exactly what I want for my future books, not yet, but it’s a start. I can see others in the future.

You have to start. But it starts in your mind as a dream, it’s in your mind before it materializes. Every single time. Don’t get discouraged and if you do that’s ok, just don’t stop. Some dreams take years.

My first book that’s being published right now, took ten years, and it’s not even that big, it’s less than 10,000 words. But as my son said to me “MOM, now is the time for your book to be done, it wasn’t the right time before.” and he’s right, chip off the old block, sounds like something I would say. Timing is everything. The universe knows the right time. You have to trust the process, have faith in forces not seen.

Please don’t give up on your goals, dreams, visions of your best life. The power to create is within you. You are a creator. Take time to think and dream, write some aspirations down. Do it when you have some time to yourself to think. Don’t tell anyone about it, sometimes people without even realizing can discourage you and you could give up to fast. So keep your ideas to yourself for a while.

So remember that we’re constantly creating and the power to create is within you.

Love and Light,


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