Woman making a wish blowing stars

Believe in yourself.

You are the one who will be on this journey with you throughout your entire life. You have to find out who you are and what you really need.

We’re all conditioned as children.

We believe what our parents tell us, what they say. What our teachers, grandparents, older siblings say about us. But as you grow older you will sort out and sift through all of that information and see what works for you and what doesn’t. You should find out who you really are and what works for you.

All of your life you have been dreaming

Thinking of things that you would like to experience in your life. You’ve been visualizing things that you desire. You have been picturing yourself in your dream life, so you already have a good idea of who you are.


You have to believe in yourself the most out of anyone in this world.

You can’t rely on other people to do it for you, whatever that may be for you. You have to be your biggest cheerleader and coach. Coach yourself first, before you can coach anyone else. You have to really learn how to put yourself first. This can be hard sometimes because we’re taught to take care of others. We’re taught sometimes that we are being selfish if we take care of ourselves, but the truth is that we CANNOT take care of anyone else if we are depleted.


Everything that you could possibly want, need or desire is within you already.

You have to learn how to access it. Once you find out what it is that you would like to achieve in your life. You have to believe it, have faith that it will materialize and it will. Whatever that means to you.

A powerful tool that I like to use and have had great results with is using positive quotes and affirmations

Experts say that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. Using this method is a way to rewire your brain. Look at positive quotes in the morning, throughout the day and again before bed. Do this until you manifest what you want, by doing this you are planting positive seeds into your subconscious mind.

Talk to yourself, believe in yourself.

Be conscious of the voice in your head. If you’re not than random useless thoughts could be swirling around in there. If you don’t plant the right thoughts, then you have no control over what you think. Rarely does a person not have to work on this.

Once you train your mind to reach for a good thought it becomes much easier. You begin to think positive naturally, it becomes a habit.

Write in a journal daily.

It sifts and sorts your thoughts and gets you in touch with your ideas, dreams, potential goals that you would like to achieve. This practice of journal writing opens a flow of ideas and connects you to your intuition and the power to believe in yourself.

An idea with a deadline becomes a goal.

Give yourself timelines and believe in yourself always. Think backward. Begin with the end in mind. What is one goal that you want to achieve. Start at the end and then break it down into little chunks. What can you do every day to move you closer to your goal. Even if it’s something small.

Constantly work on your mindset daily.

“The power is in you. The answer is in you. And you are the answer to all your searches: You are the goal. You are the answer. It’s never outside.” -Eckhart Tolle

Believe in yourself.

Love and Light,


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